Passerines, also known as perching birds, are species which have anisodactyl arrangement of their toes (having four toes, three directed forward and one backward, all joining the foot at the same level). The order Passeriformes includes more than half the bird species in the world.
Please note that although Corvids are actually passerines, I am including them in a separate group of their own.  Also, Kingfishers aren't actually passerines but are included here for lack of a better home.
Rock Pigeon, Spencer Spit
Rock Pigeon, Spencer Spit
Eurasian Collared-Dove, Agate Beach
Eurasian Collared-Dove, Agate Beach
Mourning Dove, Richardson Road
Mourning Dove, Richardson Road
Anna's Hummingbird, Richardson Marsh
Anna's Hummingbird, Richardson Marsh
Rufous Hummingbird, Kjargaard Road
Rufous Hummingbird, Kjargaard Road
Rufous Hummingbird, Kjargaard Road
Rufous Hummingbird, Kjargaard Road
Northern Shrike, Weeks Wetland Preserve
Northern Shrike, Weeks Wetland Preserve
Horned Lark, Iceberg Point
Horned Lark, Iceberg Point
Tree Swallow, Richardson
Tree Swallow, Richardson
Violet-green Swallow, Agate Beach
Violet-green Swallow, Agate Beach
Violet-Green Swallow, Odlin Park
Violet-Green Swallow, Odlin Park
Rough-winged Swallow, Richardson Marsh
Rough-winged Swallow, Richardson Marsh
Purple Martins, Fisherman Bay
Purple Martins, Fisherman Bay
Barn Swallow, Weeks Wetland Preserve
Barn Swallow, Weeks Wetland Preserve
Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Richardson
Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Richardson
Bushtit, Richardson Marsh
Bushtit, Richardson Marsh
Bushtit, Kjargaard Road
Bushtit, Kjargaard Road
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Shark Reef
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Shark Reef
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Iceberg Point
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Iceberg Point
Golden-crowned Kinglet, Iceberg Point
Golden-crowned Kinglet, Iceberg Point
Red-breasted Nuthatch, Channel Preserve
Red-breasted Nuthatch, Channel Preserve
Brown Creeper, Iceberg Point
Brown Creeper, Iceberg Point
House Wren, Odlin South
House Wren, Odlin South
Pacific Wren, Spencer Spit
Pacific Wren, Spencer Spit
Bewick's Wren, Richardson Marsh
Bewick's Wren, Richardson Marsh
Bewick's Wren, Richardson Marsh
Bewick's Wren, Richardson Marsh
European Starlings, Kjargaard Road
European Starlings, Kjargaard Road
Cedar Waxwing, Richardson Marsh
Cedar Waxwing, Richardson Marsh
House Sparrow, Post Office
House Sparrow, Post Office
Varied Thrushes, Kjargaard Road
Varied Thrushes, Kjargaard Road
Hermit Thrush, Kjargaard Road
Hermit Thrush, Kjargaard Road
American Robin, Kjargaard Road
American Robin, Kjargaard Road
American Pipit, Fisherman Spit
American Pipit, Fisherman Spit
Mountain Bluebird, Central Lopez
Mountain Bluebird, Central Lopez
Townsend's Solitaire, Kjargaard Road
Townsend's Solitaire, Kjargaard Road
Swainson's Thrush, Hummel Lake Preserve
Swainson's Thrush, Hummel Lake Preserve
House Finches, Richardson Road
House Finches, Richardson Road
House Finch, Richardson Marsh
House Finch, Richardson Marsh
House Finch, Richardson Marsh
House Finch, Richardson Marsh
Female Purple Finch, Richardson Marsh
Female Purple Finch, Richardson Marsh
Red Crossbill, Weeks Wetland Preserve
Red Crossbill, Weeks Wetland Preserve
Pine Siskin, Chadwick Hill
Pine Siskin, Chadwick Hill
American Goldfinch, Shark Reef
American Goldfinch, Shark Reef
Chipping Sparrow, Richardson Road
Chipping Sparrow, Richardson Road
Fox Sparrow, Kjargaard Road
Fox Sparrow, Kjargaard Road
Dark-eyed Junco, Kjargaard Road
Dark-eyed Junco, Kjargaard Road
White-crowned Sparrow, Weeks Wetland Preserve
White-crowned Sparrow, Weeks Wetland Preserve
White-crowned Sparrow, Richardson Road
White-crowned Sparrow, Richardson Road
Golden-crowned Sparrow, Kjargaard Road
Golden-crowned Sparrow, Kjargaard Road
Savannah Sparrow, Richardson
Savannah Sparrow, Richardson
Belted Kingfisher, Weeks Wetland Preserve
Belted Kingfisher, Weeks Wetland Preserve
Olive-sided Flycatcher, Richardson Marsh
Olive-sided Flycatcher, Richardson Marsh
Western Wood-Pewee, Odlin Park
Western Wood-Pewee, Odlin Park
Willow Flycatcher, Hummel Lake
Willow Flycatcher, Hummel Lake
Western Flycatcher, Hummel Lake
Western Flycatcher, Hummel Lake
Song Sparrow, Kjargaard Road
Song Sparrow, Kjargaard Road
Song Sparrow, Richardson Marsh
Song Sparrow, Richardson Marsh
Spotted Towhee, Kjargaard Road
Spotted Towhee, Kjargaard Road
Western Meadowlark, Richardson
Western Meadowlark, Richardson
Red-winged Blackbird, Kjargaard Road
Red-winged Blackbird, Kjargaard Road
Female Red-winged Blackbird, Richardson Marsh
Female Red-winged Blackbird, Richardson Marsh
Fledging Red-winged Blackbirds, Richardson Marsh
Fledging Red-winged Blackbirds, Richardson Marsh
Brown-headed Cowbird, Weeks Wetland Preserve
Brown-headed Cowbird, Weeks Wetland Preserve
Brewer's Blackbirds, Richardson Road
Brewer's Blackbirds, Richardson Road
Orange-crowned Warbler, Richardson Marsh
Orange-crowned Warbler, Richardson Marsh
Orange-crowned Warbler, Richardson Marsh
Orange-crowned Warbler, Richardson Marsh
Common Yellowthroat, Richardson Marsh
Common Yellowthroat, Richardson Marsh
Yellow Warbler, Agate Beach
Yellow Warbler, Agate Beach
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Richardson
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Richardson
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Richardson
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Richardson
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Shark Reef
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Shark Reef
Wilson's Warbler, Hummel Lake Preserve
Wilson's Warbler, Hummel Lake Preserve
Western Tanager, Hummel Lake Preserve
Western Tanager, Hummel Lake Preserve
Black-headed Grosbeak (m), Hummel Lake Preserve
Black-headed Grosbeak (m), Hummel Lake Preserve
Black-headed Grosbeak (f), Hummel Lake Preserve
Black-headed Grosbeak (f), Hummel Lake Preserve